As a catalyst for transformation and skeleton to a Victory mind, scour through the roots of self—Champion Principles.




Building The Blueprint

Over many years of studying great Orators, Artists, Entrepreneurs, Doers, & Shakers, CEO & Founder of The Champs Up Movement, Reggie "Champ Regg' Foster II, gathered a mountain of notes. After clever analysis, Regg realized an underlying thread connecting his findings. The common denominator between these figures were not just their actions, but their applications of Principles.

Regardless of industry or profession, these principles reign undefeated throughout the tests of time. So, from the letters C through N, each depicts a set of words in alignment with each principle, forming the word 'C-H-A-M-P-I-O-N' . But don't take our word for it, take a look for yourself! Step into your power, and watch as you design the life you desire. Champs Up!


In a world that systematically promotes negativity & limiting belief, the mind of a champion subscribes to a different regime. One powered by proven principles & exercises of a Victory-Mind, break the mold by challenging conventional thinking.

Life mastery is a reflection of self mastery. So whether your an artist, entreprenuer, doer or shaker, the blueprint is universally designed to give you a roadmap to victory.

Gaining knowledge of self is only part of the equation. Each section of the blueprint is designed to help you reflect and scale your progress as you discover your power.

It doesn't have to be lonely at the top! Level up your team, students, and friends by investing in their greatness. Take the journey through 'self' with the wealth of many minds.